Kristin Alvarado
4th & 5th Grades
About her
This will be Kristin’s second year at Heartland. She brings laughter, love, joy, knowledge and a
bit of sparkle to the classroom and the school through God’s grace. Kristin loves how Heartland
is a faith-based school and how it feels like family. She wants her parents to know that how
overjoyed she is that God has given her this opportunity to be in all their children’s lives. For fun,
Kristin loves to hang out with her friends and their families as it feels like an extension to her
Favorite Verse is Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those
who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
My favorite drink is Cream Soda Dr. Pepper
I served in the Marine Corp and worked on fighter jets as a mechanic
My favorite season is Fall
I was born and raised in Texas

As a thank you to our staff we host a staff Appreciation night every year. To help support your favorite staff member, you can write a note to them by clicking here:

3327 Kenora Drive,
Spring Valley, CA 91977
Phone - (619) 461-7220
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2024 Heartland Christian School