Josh Haper
About him
Josh Harper is our school Principal at Heartland Christian with over twenty-five years of helping students and their families navigate academics, spiritual growth and life skills. Specializing in homeschooling education, Josh Harper uses that experience to educate students and give parents the tools needed to be successful homeschool educators. By focusing on connecting both students and their families to quality “Christ centered”
education, Josh has been able to put the BA in Organizational Studies from Bethel University and MA in Religious Studies from San Diego Christian Seminary to good use. As Josh spends his days at Heartland Christian, it’s his love for the Lord, learning, inspiring achievement and growth that gets him up in the morning. When Josh Harper is not at Heartland Christian, he is an avid outdoorsman and loves spending
time with his family and friends exploring.
As a thank you to our staff we host a staff Appreciation night every year. To help support your favorite staff member, you can write a note to them by clicking here:
Favorite food: Mexican (Spicier the better)
Loves Off-roading, the water and exploring
Hired at Heartland 2 weeks before he married his wife of 25 years
Would prefer to wear shorts, t-shirts and flip flops everyday

3327 Kenora Drive,
Spring Valley, CA 91977
Phone - (619) 461-7220
Contact Us
2024 Heartland Christian School